Paulo Nozolino


50.00 CHF

Year of publication: 1995
Publisher: Images Vevey

Grand Prix Images Vevey 1995

The very first laureate of the Grand Prix Images Vevey 1995, Paulo Nozolino has been traveling across major European cities for many years, exploring the space of the individual confronted with both history and modernity. Like an urban travel diary, his project delivers a uniform and unique take on Berlin, Trieste, Venice, Lisbon, Vienna, Budapest, Madrid and Paris.

The very first laureate of the Grand Prix Images Vevey 1995, Paulo Nozolino has been traveling across major European cities for many years, exploring the space of the individual confronted with both history and modernity. Like an urban travel diary, his project delivers a uniform and unique take on Berlin, Trieste, Venice, Lisbon, Vienna, Budapest, Madrid and Paris.