Barbara Iweins

Belgium (1974)
Espace Images Vevey
Barbara Iweins, Katalog

After her nerve-wracking eleventh move and her divorce, Barbara embarked on a unique introspective project, photographing the 12,795 objects in her house, one by one, from the kitchen to the bathroom, via the living room, her three children’s bedrooms, and the basement. She then catalogued these objects by colour, material, and frequency of use. Her inventory echoes Jacques Prévert’s poem with a fascinating mirror of our consumer society and includes detailed statistics such as “37% of my children’s Playmobil figurines are bald”.

L’Appartement – Espace Images Vevey represents Barbara’s twelfth move, this time into an idealised house which, through the rooms, objects, and the artist’s confessions, reveals an intimate and universal self-portrait of a 21st-century mother.